Renders of the Sign

Applying a 20px x 20px white JPG image to the material of each letter gave a white colouring, and then it was just playing around with the rendering...

I put a light in the scene to give the letters some shadow, but it still needs some more work. I will report back to the group with this and see if they have any suggestions on how to improve the visibility of the lettering on a white background.

ESSEX Sign Creation

I have attempted to create some text in 3DS Max. This could be used as our introductory text, e.g. The animation starts with this model, collapses into the pile of rubble, and then that rubble forms the first of the environmental models.

Firstly, I made a tower and extruded 3 of 5 faces sideways to create the E.

For the X, I used a plane 3 x 1 faces, deleted the inner edges and connected the vertices to construct the cross. Then deleting polygons left the X shape which could be extruded.

For the S I created a plane of lots of little polygons (36 x 15), but before continuing realised it would be easier to create half and copy it. Deleting half of these faces, then others and connecting vertices and manipulating them formed a decent S shape.

Reflecting this shape, attaching the two planes and welding them together completed the S plane. Extruding this made the last letter. Simply cloning these and aligning them formed the 3D Essex sign.

Forming an idea

We have now begun to collate our ideas, and I have suggested a few more things for this;

Where we are plannig to reverse the RayFire plugin tool to construct and deconstruct various attractions/places in essex, the transition between piles of rubble may be difficult. Therefore I suggested a pool of rubble that the models form out of and sit on.

Also, the text that reveals the location being modelled and / or the 'hollywood sign' style ESSEX sign we are going to have at the end being 3d and on a white background.

Idea Generation

I have been contributing to the idea generation for our project. Things I have suggested are;

Idea 2 about Southend Pier and Adventure Island; the theme park there. It is hard to express my ideas about camera angles etc, I can see it all in my head!

Idea 4 about a couple driving around Essex visiting different attractions.